By Mike Layne
When it come to taking outdoor photos, people tend to fall into two categories. At one end of the spectrum are the amateur hobbyist and professional photographers. They use words like aperture, white balance, ISO, shutter speed and F-Stop. They use tri-pods, wear vests, have large full-frame cameras and they take stunning photographs, causing the rest of us no small amount of photo-envy. On the other end are the rest of us. We typically have a medium to high end point-and-click camera or a low to mid range DSLR (the one you can change lenses on). Because the terminology of photography can be intimidating, some folks shy away from using anything but the 'Automatic Mode' on their cameras. One easy way to upgrade the quality of your outdoor photography, without learning what ISO, F-Stop and Aperture really mean, is to learn, in layman's terms, when to use the other modes built into your camera. Here are five modes and when and how to use them.
Portrait Mode - The key to understanding portrait mode is to think about what is in focus and what is not. When photographing a person your photo will be more dramatic if the person is in focus and the background is slightly out of focus. This naturally draws your eyes to the subject of the photograph and eliminates distractions in the photo by keeping the background out of focus. Note that this works best if you have one subject. For a group of people, be careful the range of focus does not put some of the people in the photo out of focus. If in doubt, take a few photos in portrait and a few in auto mode.
Macro Mode - This is excellent for taking photos very close up. As you might have guessed from the icon, flowers are a good example of this. Where portrait mode narrows your range of focus slightly, making your background go out of focus, macro mode narrows the range of focus even smaller, so much so that you need to be careful what is in and out of focus or it can produce unwanted results. You can also play around with this mode for taking close-in shots of peoples faces. Playing with what is in and out of focus in your photos is an easy way to create photos that stand out from the everyday snap shots produced by automatic mode.
Landscape Mode - Where both portrait and macro mode seek to narrow your range of focus, landscape mode does the opposite. When you are photographing a landscape you typically want as much of the photo to be in focus as possible. You'll hear this referred to by photographers as depth-of-field. The larger the depth of field, the more of your photograph will be in focus.
Sports Mode - While portrait, macro and landscape mode are primarily concerned with what is in and out of focus, sports mode is concerned with stopping action. It does this by speeding up the shutter speed of your camera. The faster your shutter opens and closes, the better it can capture and stop motion with out blur.
Night Mode - Sports mode speeds up the shutter speed to stop motion. Night mode is not concerned with stopping motion, it's concerned with letting in enough light to produce good photographs in the dark. This is one of my personal favorites and the only mode I use a tri-pod for. If you understand that a fast shutter speed stops motion, you'll understand that a slow shutter speed is very susceptible to any kind of motion, which will show up as a blur in the photo. If you are using night mode, either use a tri-pod or rest your camera and body against something solid to prevent as much motion as possible. The photo below was taken with a point and click Nikon off the rail of a cruise ship in harbor at St. Thomas.
Have any photography tips you'd like to share, or questions you'd like to ask? If so, tell us in the comments below. We'd love to hear from you.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Finding the Beautiful
Main Street, Clarksburg, WV |
In a photography class in college, and in books I've read since, the idea of looking for beauty in the mundane has always struck me. To look at an ordinary every-day landscape and turn one unique angle into a stunning photograph is an ability I admire. I'm no photographer myself. I take well meaning snapshots and occasionally stumble across one that captures the scene the way I intended. What strikes me as magic about great photography is that everyone looks at the same scenes, but a photographer sees something the rest of us don't. Photographers see the beautiful in the midst of the ordinary. What a great euphemism for life. What if we all looked at life the way a photographer looks at landscapes? Because the beautiful is there if we look for it, in landscapes and in people. We can choose to see the bad, the mundane, the ordinary. Or, we can look past all that the way a photographer does and choose to find the beautiful.
I was thinking along these lines this morning as Spencer and I set out on a hike through Clarksburg and up Lowndes Hill to the Civil War trenches. I run this route sometimes in the evenings. It's a moderate 3 mile round trip with around 350 feet in elevation gain. The views of the city of Clarksburg are decent from the top, but compared to a stunning waterfall or a massive rock formation, it is a little on the mundane side. Rain was in the forecast for the afternoon so a State Park trip was out. With only about an hour to spare before the weather changed, we needed something close and a three mile round trip
Rays of Sunlight |
Sleepy Little Boy |
A few minutes later Spencer went to sleep. We finished the hike home and, as the rains set in, came inside for some breakfast. As I'm typing now the weather outside is nasty. The wind is blowing rain against the windows, the sky is grey and I hear we can expect this to change to snow in the AM. Sometimes when life makes it easy to see the ugly side of things, we have to remind ourselves to look a little harder. Sometimes it's all in how you frame it.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Old Dogs, Children and Trains
By Mike Layne
There comes a point in our lives when, despite our best efforts to ignore the evidence, we're forced to admit that we are in fact getting a little older. A gray hair here, a wrinkle there and before you know it we're saying things like "well, back when I was a kid" and "darn kids these days". When we think about the ways we've changed over the years, it's convenient to say things like 'wisdom comes with age', but in reality what happens is more subtle. We become more aware of the passing of
time, of things lost and lessons learned.
Successes and failures mold us into older wiser versions of the
children we once were, and yet somewhere along the way something important is
lost. Lately I've been thinking about the difference
between things in life that are real and things that are not. That's a lot to tackle in one blog post, I realize, but stay with me.
In our super-connected world of information and globalization, it's ironic that our society is in danger of loosing our connection with the things in life that really matter. Every hour of every day we receive a relentless barrage of marketing and political propaganda. So much in fact, that the lines anchoring us to reality become stretched and frayed. Relevant things are pushed aside to make room for progress, change and the other stories they tell us. Marketers want us to believe nine out of ten dentists really do prefer the latest tooth paste. That adding batteries to a regular razor gives you a closer shave and last summer’s colors are simply not fashionable this year. Politicians want us to believe in phrases like ‘too big to fail’ and that it takes a 4 trillion dollar budget to keep America running. The common denominator is this; none of it is real. Economies are built on perceptions of value and can crumble in the time it takes us to eat our breakfast. Marketers will stretch the limits of credulity, enshrining consumerism in the pursuit of profit. And in this sea of fabricated realities, or if you prefer 'lies', what becomes of the the things that are real? Do we remember what they are, what they look like, the way they make us feel? How will we show them to our children? Here’s what I think.
In our super-connected world of information and globalization, it's ironic that our society is in danger of loosing our connection with the things in life that really matter. Every hour of every day we receive a relentless barrage of marketing and political propaganda. So much in fact, that the lines anchoring us to reality become stretched and frayed. Relevant things are pushed aside to make room for progress, change and the other stories they tell us. Marketers want us to believe nine out of ten dentists really do prefer the latest tooth paste. That adding batteries to a regular razor gives you a closer shave and last summer’s colors are simply not fashionable this year. Politicians want us to believe in phrases like ‘too big to fail’ and that it takes a 4 trillion dollar budget to keep America running. The common denominator is this; none of it is real. Economies are built on perceptions of value and can crumble in the time it takes us to eat our breakfast. Marketers will stretch the limits of credulity, enshrining consumerism in the pursuit of profit. And in this sea of fabricated realities, or if you prefer 'lies', what becomes of the the things that are real? Do we remember what they are, what they look like, the way they make us feel? How will we show them to our children? Here’s what I think.
Sunset in St. Thomas |
Real things are timeless, immeasurable. Their value transcends material worth. They are things we can touch and things we cannot. They inspire us to dream, to think, to feel, and if we let them, they impact our lives in profound and lasting ways we only truly understand as we grow older. A few examples, so we know how to recognize real things when we see them.
The wispy way steam rises off the water at daybreak, with
the earthy scents of moss and pine needles thick in the air. The rush of cool air that sometimes comes just before dawn. Birds in the background mix songs with the
sound of running water and sunlight slides slowly down the trunks of trees. These things are real.
Sunrise and sunset, an introduction and a farewell,
they’re the bookends that hold the contents of our
days. They are a quiet time made for contemplation and coffee, for romance and reflection. They smell like tobacco and old leather or candles and home cooked breakfast. They come every day, and how many times do we really slow down to see them? We should make a point to because they are real.
days. They are a quiet time made for contemplation and coffee, for romance and reflection. They smell like tobacco and old leather or candles and home cooked breakfast. They come every day, and how many times do we really slow down to see them? We should make a point to because they are real.
Railroad tracks at Valley Falls State Park |
Old dogs are real. Growing
up in Pocahontas County, we lived next door to my sister and her family. They had a basset hound named Sam. Sam was, in the truest sense of the phrase, a
‘community dog’. For more than 15 years
Sam walked a daily route through our neighborhood. Everyone
knew him, everyone fed him and everyone loved him. You can still see his paths worn into the
dirt. It’s been close to 15 years now
since Sam left us and to this day people still tell stories about him with a nostalgic
smile. Old dogs hold a wisdom in their eyes far beyond their years and they teach us the value of loyalty.
Children are perhaps the realest of all
things real. Born with no prejudice, no preconceived
notions and only two natural fears, children love unconditionally. They represent us at our very best. If we let them, they’ll teach us to see
through the eyes of children again, to experience the wonders and joys that come so natural to them.
So pet an old dog today. Ride a train or watch the sun as it sets behind the hills. Teach your children and let them teach you and together we'll all move a little closer to the things in life that are real.
So pet an old dog today. Ride a train or watch the sun as it sets behind the hills. Teach your children and let them teach you and together we'll all move a little closer to the things in life that are real.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Hiking Coopers Rock State Forest
Coopers Rock is a 12,747 acre state forest in Monongalia and
Preston counties of West Virginia. It’s
southern edge boarders against Cheat Lake and the canyon section of Cheat River,
which is popular as an Eastern US destination for white water rafting.
According to legend, a fugitive from the law, a cooper by trade, hid
out from authorities near what is now the overlook. The legend says he lived and worked here for
many years, continuing to build barrels in his mountain hideout. In the thirties and forties (1936-1942)
Coopers Rock was developed by the Civilian Conservation Corps. Many of their structures, including rustic
picnic shelters made of American chestnut, are still standing today and are
registered on the National Register of Historic Places.
Spencer Layne |
We left the house Saturday around 11 a.m. This was a strategic decision, not a slow start. We planned to drop Braxton (our 3 month old) of with his Grandma around 11:30 and drive the hour up I-79 to arrive around 12:30. The reason; this is prime nap time!!
Parent Tip: For day hikes, try to plan drive time around nap time. The last thing you want to do is take a cranky toddler out of a confined car seat and try to put him into a child carrier. If they can get their regular nap in on the way, they are more likely to enjoy the carrier ride and hike.
We exited the interstate and the first impression I got was that the road is nice new pavement with crisp painted lines. This may seem like a silly first impression, but with 90% of WV roads in shambles following a horrible winter, it's refreshing to see new pavement. The Day Use parking lot is less than 1/2 mile from the interstate. It has restroom facilities and, according to the sign, it's open 8 a.m. to dark. You can see the parking lot was less than half full when we arrived. By the time we left there were cars covering every inch of parkable real estate, lining the road all the way our toward the interstate. So impression two was, if you are in search of solitude, at least on the first real day of spring, this is not your ideal day trip. But to stay on the positive side, the area is very well kept up. The trail heads are well marked and later in
our day we discovered large maps posted at a kiosk between day parking and the overlook. I should say upfront that we never made it to the overlook. Our main objective on this trip was to see as much of the trail system as possible and taking the time to hike to the overlook, since you cannot drive past the gate at day parking, would have used up too much trail time. My recurring pet peeve with state parks and forests during the off season is that it is very hard to find out what is and isn't open in terms of gates and main areas. I assumed you would be able to drive all the way to the lookout area, but that is not the case. It would have been roughly a three mile hike taking the Road Side Trail. That confusion aside, the park is clean and well kept. We only encountered two places on the trails we hiked where there was an obstruction that needed to be circumvented. That's not such a big deal when you're hiking solo or with grown ups, but with a toddler on your back, you're much more aware of hazards off trails.
Day Parking Lot |
Day Parking |
Parent Tip: If you don't normally hike with a walking stick or trekking poles and you plan to carry a toddler on in a child carrier, consider trekking poles. I'm not currently using them, but I found myself wishing a few times that I was.
Scotts Run Trail Head |
Scotts Run Trail |
Spencer discovers rocks |
Spencer having fun |
After rock play time, the rest of the hike was uneventful. We made it back to the parking lot roughly 2.5 hours after leaving.
Closing thoughts
We will definitely be back during 'open season' to see the overlook. We may come back and
hike out and back, but the road side trail is exactly what is says it is, 'roadside' and very crowded. Not really what I'm looking for in a hike. Other than that, I really liked our visit to Coopers Rock. There are a number of trails on the north side of the in interstate that are part of the state forest system. These look like they may be more remote than the south side, which appeals to me, so we may try this side next time out. Let us know your impressions of the trails. What did you like and dislike? Which trails should we try next. Until next time, happy trails.
We will definitely be back during 'open season' to see the overlook. We may come back and
Friday, March 21, 2014
Watters Smith Memorial State Park
Hidden along a small stream named Duck Creek, on a road of
the same name, Watters Smith is 7 miles off of Interstate 79 in Harrison County. Until spring 2014 I wasn’t even aware this
park was here. We have visited Watters
Smith twice now, both times in the off season, so we haven’t had a chance to
experience the park while it’s open. I
can tell you that, for what I was looking for, solitude, Watters Smith in the off
season was perfect. A 532 acre
historical park and national historic district, Watters features a pioneer
homestead, museum, horseback riding, guided tours and swimming pool in the
summer months. In the off season the park can still be
accessed for hiking and biking. We
visited first on March 8th, 2014. The following week we returned to hike the
north portion of the park.
Watters Smith Memorial State Park may be reached by taking Exit 110 off I-79 (Lost Creek exit) and following the directional signs to West Milford, left on Duck Creek Road to Watters Smith State Park (approximately 7 miles). Visitors traveling US 19 should turn off at West Milford and follow signs three miles to the park.
TRAVEL NOTE: Duck Creek road turns left just before you cross a bridge going into West Milford. Coming from the interstate, there is no sign pointing you toward the Watters Smith State Park like you would expect. If you go into West Milford (like we did) you’ll see the sign on your way back toward the interstate.
TRAVEL NOTE: Google directions will tell you to get off exit 105, take US19 for 5.3 miles and follow Hackers Creek Road to the park. I don’t know if road signs have been stolen, but there is no sign for a Hackers Creek road on this stretch of 19. There is a Hidden Valley Road and I believe this is what they are pointing you to, but there are not signs on this road that let you know you are headed for the park
This is pulled from the State Park website. It’s a pretty comprehensive short history, so I didn't feel the need to re-write it. Watters Smith, the son of Thomas Smith of England, was himself born in Trenton, New Jersey, on July 15, 1767. In 1793 he married Elizabeth Davisson, a first cousin and neighbor of his father. His father owned a 1,000-acre tract of land in Harrison County, then in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Smith purchased 112 acres adjoining his father's for the sum of $266 in 1792, but the lingering threat of Indians prevented him from moving to the area immediately with his new bride.
In 1796, he and his wife moved to their future farm on Duck Creek and began clearing the land, planting crops and building a cabin. His tools were made by hand and necessitated the construction of a blacksmith and a carpenter shop. The goods that could not be grown or handmade were obtained from distant urban areas over "roads" that were mere wide, hazardous trails cut through the wilderness. Watters and Elizabeth Smith had eight children, and Charles, their second, was the first white child born on Duck Creek. The youngest child, Watters Smith, Jr., eventually inherited the property. He, in turn, gave it to his son John, who passed it on to his son Alexander, who was born in 1847. In 1876, Alexander, better known as "Uncle Doc", had a home constructed to replace the original hand-hewn log Smith cabin. Today, this home is used as one of two museums on the park and is open to the public.
The farm was operated as a business for four generations, and the implements seen in the museums and in the barns and sheds were used to keep it running. Thanks to the foresight and generosity of Burr Smith, the farm now stands as a lasting tribute to a family who carved a life out of the wilderness and preserves for us a view of frontier life from 1796 to the early 1900s.
This is pulled from the State Park website. It’s a pretty comprehensive short history, so I didn't feel the need to re-write it. Watters Smith, the son of Thomas Smith of England, was himself born in Trenton, New Jersey, on July 15, 1767. In 1793 he married Elizabeth Davisson, a first cousin and neighbor of his father. His father owned a 1,000-acre tract of land in Harrison County, then in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Smith purchased 112 acres adjoining his father's for the sum of $266 in 1792, but the lingering threat of Indians prevented him from moving to the area immediately with his new bride.
In 1796, he and his wife moved to their future farm on Duck Creek and began clearing the land, planting crops and building a cabin. His tools were made by hand and necessitated the construction of a blacksmith and a carpenter shop. The goods that could not be grown or handmade were obtained from distant urban areas over "roads" that were mere wide, hazardous trails cut through the wilderness. Watters and Elizabeth Smith had eight children, and Charles, their second, was the first white child born on Duck Creek. The youngest child, Watters Smith, Jr., eventually inherited the property. He, in turn, gave it to his son John, who passed it on to his son Alexander, who was born in 1847. In 1876, Alexander, better known as "Uncle Doc", had a home constructed to replace the original hand-hewn log Smith cabin. Today, this home is used as one of two museums on the park and is open to the public.
The farm was operated as a business for four generations, and the implements seen in the museums and in the barns and sheds were used to keep it running. Thanks to the foresight and generosity of Burr Smith, the farm now stands as a lasting tribute to a family who carved a life out of the wilderness and preserves for us a view of frontier life from 1796 to the early 1900s.
We mostly used the state park website to plan our visit. We made the mistake of using Google directions to plan our approach and ended up doing a little unnecessary back road touring off of exit 105. This is probably a fine way into the park, it just lacks usable signage. My experience with state parks thus far has been that they do not do a good job of telling you what is available during the off season. My wife and I are off season kind of folks. We're not crazy about big crowds, long lines or paying full price for anything. Here is what I found to be available off season:
- Duck Creek road runs through the middle of the park and is fully accessible and a public road. (no gates on this road)
- There are gates leading into the park at a few points that were closed and locked.
- There was one gate leading into the park that was open, but no sign to let you know when it closed, so we were afraid to park inside for fear of being shut in if we were late getting out.
- We parked on the side of Duck Creek road in a wide spot and had no problems accessing all the hiking/biking trails from there.
- Because hiking is what we are primarily interested in this time of year, we were not disappointed, but no other facilities appeared to be open.
- Click Here for a good Canadian blog that addresses the joys of off-season trips
On the drive into Watters Smith, it was hard at first to get
the impression you were headed for a little secluded spot of wilderness. Back roads in West Virginia look remarkably
alike and the lack of signage coming from the interstate makes the problem
worse. However, once you pass the sign
that announces the park, the impression changes quickly. The fields are well kept, the homestead
buildings are visible from the road and signage on the park is good. Duck Creek is also visible from the road and
is a very nice little stream.
Trails are all well marked with blazes of identifying
colors. They correspond to the online PDF Trail Map. They are all well
maintained. Even in the off season there
was evidence of recent clearing of fallen trees. Click below to read more about each of two
visits so far.
Closing thoughts
Watters Smith is close to my home in Clarksburg, WV. A short 20 minute drive, so we will be making
many return trips. I’m anxious to see
the goings on at the park in the summer.
They advertise night hikes and programs that sound fun and I’m sure the
pool is a hit in the summer months. All
in all, this is a splendid example of the kind of place a family can easily
take advantage of to get the kids outdoors.
Mountain Biking seems to be the thing here, with tire tracks on every
trail we hiked. We saw a few bikers at
the wash racks near a small playground.
We’ll keep you posted on our return trips. Do you have any experience with Watters
Smith? Share your stories with us, or
submit a guest blog for consideration.
Thanks for reading and happy trails.
Deuter Kid Comfort II Review
By Mike Layne
Before purchasing our Deuter, we borrowed a Kelty Journey 2.0 Child Frame Carrier from friends This is a great option for a child carrier and we may review it at some point. It's well worth looking into if you're already a Kelty fan. We made our decision to go with the Deuter Kid Comfort II Backpack/ Child Carrier for two reasons.
1. Tons of great online reviews. So many in fact, that I'm not going to make this review longer than it needs to be. My real goal is to let you know that we use it, we love it and we highly recommend it. I'll provide some links to other great reviews at the end.
2. We have an absolutely love the Deuter Aircontact 75+10 Backpacking Pack. The Aircontact support system, shared by the Kid Comfort II, is by far one of the best we've used. Fully adjustable to fit a wide range of torso sizes, it is built with heavy loads and long hauls in mind. My only note of caution here is that this is not for light weight back packing. Coming in at 7lbs, this is one of the heavier options out there. We will be reviewing the pack in full soon.
The choice to go with the Kid Comfort II from Deuter has proved, for us at least, to be a great purchase. You can get carriers for less, but the comfort and design Deuter puts into their products is worth the extra money for us. Features we like include:
- Very easy to get your child in and out of this pack. Compared to the Kelty we tried, the Deuter is much easier. The side straps on the left side of the pack release and the pack pivots apart to allow side entry. For smaller children this may not be a big deal, but for our nearly 2 year old son it is much easier to load him from the side than from the top.
- Lots of storage space. In fairness to Kelty, the Journey 2.0 had plenty of space as well. Both packs provide multiple zippered storage spaces. The Deuter also provides mesh pouches on both sides and a zippered pocket on the waist belt. (this comes in handy for storing snacks to pass back to your child in case of a hunger emergency)
- The hip belt and pads distribute weight very well and the shoulder straps are fully adjustable to fit a wide range of torso sizes.
It's easy to see why so many people give this child carrier such great reviews. Deuter has great craftmanship and attention to detail. Their gear does what they say it does. It's rugged, durable, comfortable and fun to use.
Other Great reviews and videos
Thursday, March 20, 2014
40 Years Outdoors - Lessons I've Learned
By Mike Layne
Last night I was sitting in my son’s room watching him flip and flop, pulling and tugging blankets as he wound down for sleep. Spencer is 22 months old. He recently transitioned to the ‘big boy’ toddler bed about the same time he discovered the magic of turning door handles, so he requires a little ‘watching’ as he goes to sleep, just to make sure he stays in his bed. Maybe that’s just me trying to preserve that golden piece of time when he needed me to rock him to sleep every night. Even writing about it now, it stuns and saddens me how quickly these precious phases of life pass by us. Like mile markers on the interstate, take your eye off them for a minutes and you've missed a few before you know it. I was thinking of this as I watched him wind down. At the same time I thought about all the adventures we have in front of us, on trails, around camp fires, wadding through cold mountain streams. This made me think of all the times I've spent outdoors with my dad and of all the lessons I've learned. Here are a few lessons that have made me smile more than once over the years.
Last night I was sitting in my son’s room watching him flip and flop, pulling and tugging blankets as he wound down for sleep. Spencer is 22 months old. He recently transitioned to the ‘big boy’ toddler bed about the same time he discovered the magic of turning door handles, so he requires a little ‘watching’ as he goes to sleep, just to make sure he stays in his bed. Maybe that’s just me trying to preserve that golden piece of time when he needed me to rock him to sleep every night. Even writing about it now, it stuns and saddens me how quickly these precious phases of life pass by us. Like mile markers on the interstate, take your eye off them for a minutes and you've missed a few before you know it. I was thinking of this as I watched him wind down. At the same time I thought about all the adventures we have in front of us, on trails, around camp fires, wadding through cold mountain streams. This made me think of all the times I've spent outdoors with my dad and of all the lessons I've learned. Here are a few lessons that have made me smile more than once over the years.
- Sandstone rocks explode in the fire - For an 11 year old kid in Boy Scout camp this is a discovery on par with nuclear fusion. 28 years later, from a parent’s perspective, I see now what all the fuss was about. I plan to make up a huge scary lie about a kid who lost one eye and most of one of his ears pulling a similar stunt.
- Don’t use bug spray to paint your name on the ceiling of a canvas tent – while it is indeed neat to see the sunlight come through your name during the day, it’s worth noting that at night the rain also comes through. If you happen to have painted directly over your head you’re in for a treat. (another 11 year old stunt)
- Parents, play the game ‘freeze’ with your kids – after many false alarms also referred to as ‘practice’, one day “freeze” really did mean there was a large black rattlesnake laying directly in my path. Talk about a little boy grateful for all the ‘practice’.
- Don’t try to pour water out of a rubber boot while you’re wearing it - One day, 3 miles down a trail in the pouring rain, a little boy had water in his gum boots (don’t ask me why I was hiking in gum boots) after stepping where he was told not to step. To save time the boot was turned upside down with the foot still in it. You can imagine where the water went. I think it may have been a lesson in following directions. The best lessons are the ones that stick with us.
- If you take your dog backpacking and leave camp to go fishing without him, don’t tie him off to anything connected to your tent. If you choose to ignore this lesson, pack duct tape!
- Don’t pack a container of fishing worms in your bag and forget about them… enough said!
- Parents, if you plan to clean fish and slice apples on the same day, consider carrying two pocket knives. There is a real possibility that doing both with the same knife will gross your kids out.
- Dad says: “stop pulling the line, I’m trying to detangle it”. Son says:” I’m not pulling the line”. Dad says: “I can’t detangle this while you’re pulling on it”. Son says: “I’m not pulling on it”. Repeat, repeat, repeat… The lesson – consider the possibly that a fish might be pulling on the line. (because it was)
- Kids, the look on your dads face will be priceless if, 2 days into a 5 day backpacking trip, he wakes to find you down to three matches (three empty boxes on the ground) trying to start the morning fire by yourself. He’ll be proud of you for trying to help all by yourself and in the end you’ll learn the valuable lesson of how to start a camp fire with just one match.
- Number one lesson learned, parents, take your kids outside and do something with them every chance you get. You’ll never get these years back and they will fly by you like mile markers on the highway if you’re not careful. Time goes a little slower outdoors and it seems to me that lessons learned outdoors just stick better. Mine certainly have
Sunday, March 16, 2014
One More Winter Day
Momma Layne |
With the clocks set forward and March half over, everyone is understandably sick of old man winter and I'm no exception. With subzero temperatures, snow storms, road-ice and biting wind, 2013-14 has been the winter that just won't let go. But soon enough we'll all be hot, sticky and muggy-miserable. So when it doesn't seem fair that we're once again watching the beautiful blue skies of Saturday turn to the bleak snow fields of Sunday, I try to remind myself that our unpredictability of seasons is part of the charm that is West Virginia. More than anywhere else I know of, West Virginia is the embodiment of four separate distinct seasons. Icy subzero winters give
way to the lush green hills of regenerated life and beauty that is springtime in the mountain state. Hot dry summers invite pool parties, barbecues and long days on the lake. And before long we all find ourselves longing for the cool crisp air and patchwork beauty of autumn.
Look what I found Dad |
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Back to Watters Smith - A Saturday Hike with Spencer
By Mike Layne
Back to Watters Smith today. The weather was a little cooler this than last week, but still sunny and a great
day for a hike. We tried out the new Deuter Kids Comfort II kid carrier and loved it. Stopped off at a gas station for snacks on the way. We packed Gator-aid, little donuts, water and cheezets. Spencer loves cheezets.
We made it to the park around 3 pm. This time we started out on the north side of the road, on the Dogwood trail. (See trail map) The trail starts with some gentle up hill past old farm equipment rusting near an old barn. About a quarter
of mile up the trail, maybe a little less, the High Wall bypass trail branches off to the right. The hiking gets a little steeper now, but the trail is in great shape. Winding first to the right, then back to the left, across a gully and a small stream and into an open field. We stopped here for a snack. When we started out again we moved to the
Trick Track Trek trail, which winds around the base of a some steep cliffs. We ended up on the White Oak trail dropping back down into the historical area of the park and back to the road. For a little more up-hill training we crossed the road and climbed the hill to the cemetery we passed last week on the Burr Smith trail. Only a few dates were visible, the oldest born in 1796, died in 1844. Having spent two hours on the trails we headed back to the car around 5 pm.
Spencer did really well in the kid carrier. I've mentioned before, he's not exactly a sit-still kind of boy, so I was worried he would not like riding in the carrier, but he seems to really like it. We stop every 20 minutes or so, eat some cheezets, run around a little and then load back up. He chatters to me the whole time we are moving. I love that. I only understand a small part of it, but I love that he wants to talk to me while we hike and I try to talk back as intelligently as I can. I have some solo multi-day hikes planned for the summer and I'm finding that I'm probably going to miss having him back there chattering in my ear. He's my little hiking buddy now. He has a new thing where he puts his finger inside my hat band and tries to tip my hat off. He thinks it's the funniest thing ever.
After our hike we met up with Momma and Braxton at grandma and grandpa's house and granny made us all dinner. Everyone is sleeping peacefully now. It's 10:37 and it's time for dad to read a little and get some sleep. Momma works next weekend so I think we are going to plan a little longer hike someplace else, maybe Blackwater Falls.
Back to Watters Smith today. The weather was a little cooler this than last week, but still sunny and a great
day for a hike. We tried out the new Deuter Kids Comfort II kid carrier and loved it. Stopped off at a gas station for snacks on the way. We packed Gator-aid, little donuts, water and cheezets. Spencer loves cheezets.
We made it to the park around 3 pm. This time we started out on the north side of the road, on the Dogwood trail. (See trail map) The trail starts with some gentle up hill past old farm equipment rusting near an old barn. About a quarter
of mile up the trail, maybe a little less, the High Wall bypass trail branches off to the right. The hiking gets a little steeper now, but the trail is in great shape. Winding first to the right, then back to the left, across a gully and a small stream and into an open field. We stopped here for a snack. When we started out again we moved to the
Spencer did really well in the kid carrier. I've mentioned before, he's not exactly a sit-still kind of boy, so I was worried he would not like riding in the carrier, but he seems to really like it. We stop every 20 minutes or so, eat some cheezets, run around a little and then load back up. He chatters to me the whole time we are moving. I love that. I only understand a small part of it, but I love that he wants to talk to me while we hike and I try to talk back as intelligently as I can. I have some solo multi-day hikes planned for the summer and I'm finding that I'm probably going to miss having him back there chattering in my ear. He's my little hiking buddy now. He has a new thing where he puts his finger inside my hat band and tries to tip my hat off. He thinks it's the funniest thing ever.
Looking up from Trick Track Trek |
Friday, March 14, 2014
First Hike of the Summer - Watters Smith State Park
By Mike Layne
Saturday, 3/8/14, the weather finally broke this weekend. Saturday was a perfect spring day. No wind, no rain and very few clouds. Spencer and I ventured out for the first hike of the summer. We borrowed a kid-carrier from friends Frank and Kaycee and hit the road. Got out of the house a little after noon with two items on the agenda. 1. get Spencer a hair cut, and 2. find Watters Smith State Park and get in the woods. Item one was bust. The Barber shop was packed and by the time we were done hiking it was closed. Hiking was almost a bust. If you follow Google directions to the park it will take you to Exit 105 of I-79, which I learned is a back way in. The roads are not marked so we spent an hour or so driving around lost. Not that driving back roads exploring is a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon, but Spencer is not what you'd call a car-seat kind of boy. Luckily he went to sleep while I found the park. The correct directions, the ones on the website I overlooked, are to get off exit 110 and follow the signs. One last caveat is that there is no sign pointing toward the park driving from the interstate to West Milford. You turn left just before you get to the bridge entering WM. If you go into WM and drive back toward the interstate you'll see the sign.
The park itself was deserted this early in the year, which was perfect for us. From what I understand the park has become somewhat of a haven for mountain biking. There was ample evidence of biking on the trails, which were very well maintained, but we did not see another living soul while we were out. We drove in on Duck Creek road, parked on the side of the road and entered the woods on the south side of the road. We crossed Duck Creek, and took the Burr Smith loop trail 1.8 miles. Along the way we passed the old Smith Cemetery. It being our first trip out using a kid-carrier, we did not stop to read names for fear of not being able to get Spencer to go back in the carrier, but I would like to look closer at the cemetery the next trip out. We crossed over Duck Creek several times. It's a beautiful stream of water. Not sure if the elevation is right, or if there is enough cover to keep the water the right temperature for brook trout, but the water size and habitat looked perfect. There is a fair amount of elevation gain on this trail. It meanders up the hill through a series of switchback turns and returns to the creek through a stand of old growth timber. Not sure if it is actually virgin timber, but it is very old. Some oaks looked to have circumferences that approach 12 feet. At the bottom of the hill you cross a bridge back into a field. From here you can see the road you came in on and the old buildings of the park.
Watters Smith was a great find. We live 20 minutes away and had no idea it was there. Several other trails we plan to explore this spring. Spencer had a blast and did great in the kid carrier. We've since bought a used Deuter Kid Comfort II off Ebay for a respectable price. Hoping to try it out this Saturday if the rain holds off.
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